Sunday, April 6, 2014

Homeward bound...

Sitting at the departure gate in Doha, we are getting ready for our final flight to Dammam all ready to hand over control of our young explorers back to their parents.  We’ve had an absolutely fantastic week, but we’re sure there’s no denying that they are ready to back in your hands.  And that’s just how the teachers feel!

We did have a slight panic last night – after we had checked in, we were told by reception that there were another three groups expected.  Our collective jaws dropped as the first of these arrived – disembarking from their coach out on the street were our beloved Italians from earlier in the week.  Amazingly, before they were allowed to enter the hotel, they were subject to an extremely animated castigation from their tour leader, something he had seemed reluctant to do earlier in the week.  perhaps he too was sick of their noise.  Somewhat miraculously, they entered the hotel with barely a peep, and we never heard anything from them again.  Likewise, the next two groups who came in.  Hence, an undisturbed night’s sleep and a very pleasant lie-in this morning until 8.30am.  Although of course in their excitement, most of the children were already up and dressed by the time the teachers began giving them their wake-up calls. 

A final relaxed breakfast on the roof terrace, with the Parthenon high up in the distance, and then it was on to the bus for our last journey to the airport.  And that’s where it all started going a little bit pear shaped.  Mr. Whitaker had given us a heads up when he took his ski group to Italy earlier this year; as Saudi visas are now paperless, it is extremely difficult for airline staff to verify the validity of a visa.  Ms. Kinghorn, duly warned, covered that eventuality by asking all parents to provide print outs of their evisa status.  Fine, but for a new visa there are no dates shown and for an existing visa, there is no confirmation that the 6 month visa period starts once the visa is first used, not from the date of issue.  Luckily there is wireless internet access in the airport and Mr. Suter had his Kindle, and so we somewhat laboriously had to recheck about a third of our visas to prove that yes indeed they were still valid.  The fact that the Saudi authorities had actually let us out of the country in the first place stood for nothing.  Hence, was should have been a brief efficient check in, following by a visit to the MacDonald’s restaurant at the airport were scuppered.  Thankfully, we were all checked in so that was the main thing – there was always going to be food on the plane, even if it wasn’t burgers.

Before the children left the restaurant last night, they were reminded about not bringing water and other liquids in their hand luggage.  At breakfast this morning, they were again reminded about not bringing water and other liquids in their hand luggage.  Before we proceeded through the airport security screening, the children were again reminded about not bringing through any water.  So I suppose the fact that we managed to limit the number of people who lost water and other gels, lotions and potions to the x-ray machines to about five was quite successful.  Just as well we reminded them really – we dread to think just how much lighter their bags would have been had we not done so.  John was lucky – he didn’t lose any liquids, but removing three stale chunks of bread and a pat of butter did ensure that his back pack was somewhat lighter than when he started.

This is being typed on the plane, and we’ll try to get it posted up in Doha as we wait for our final flight back into Dammam.  The children have had a blast, and we hope you enjoy hearing the stories they regale you with as you drive them home tonight.

All that remains to do it leave you with our Year 5 Greece Trip Awards for 2014:

Best dry land swimmer - Megan
Biggest gap in a smile -  Nadine H
Lea – Most consistent smile
Most likely to ask for seconds at meal times - Leena
Noisiest Italian in our group - Federica 
Most easily bribed - Nihal
Hardest to wake up in the morning - Jamal
Most green beans eaten - John
Most impressive nose bleed - Nadine E and Julia
Best early morning exercise routine coordinator  - Talal
Most irrepressible - Omar
Biggest screamer - Ridaa
Dancer of the week - Fayzullah
Best sleeper - Reyad
Best Gangnam style dancers on a ferry - Sarah T and Karishma
Most lotion loser - Sara E
Shopper of the week - Karl
Pet lover of the week - Hala
Best human skimming stone - Hiya
Fashionista of the week - Zeina
Most forgetful - Miya
Lotharian of the week - Elian
Slowest walkers – Doga and Nada
Most intense art critic - Aymaan
Best poser in group photographs – Mr. Piddock
Most food eaten - Mr. Suter
Loudest snorer - Ms. Govender
Best tour organiser – Ms. Kinghorn

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back !!! Stephanie (Elian's mum)


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