Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Helpful Websites

Time Tunnel:
The BBC history website has a useful A-Z section on historical figures.
The Woodlands Junior School website is an award-winning resource, providing excellent information on a number of historical periods.
Camelot International website features a ‘history of the world’ section. Click on a continent to access a timeline of their history.
HyperHistory is an excellent resource for this unit. It provides access to timelines relating to people, history and events – as well as maps showing early civilizations and invasions.
An extensive timeline of world history. Use the ‘subject index’ links to help the children find relevant information.
This school’s website provides a simple timeline overview of a number of key periods in British history, including the Romans, Saxons and Vikings.
Explore exhibits at the British Museum by selecting a map region, a topic and then clicking on the ‘go’ icon.
Time for Kids is an excellent site that features timelines of different countries. Select ‘Grades 5-6’ and then click on ‘Around the World’ to access the menu of countries.

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