Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Compound Land Use (Picnics and Ice lollies)

We had great fun the day we went on our compound walk.  The idea of it was to look at different land use around the compound.  We did this for our Geography activities.  As we walked around the compound, we looked at the different land uses around us.  For example, sports areas, industrial areas and commercial things.  We kept note of where we were on the compound by using a map, and marked the map with letters from a key to show us what was what.  Later in school, we coloured the whole compound map using the key we devised.

Other things we did on our compound walk were having an ice lolly bought for us by Mr Suter - Sarrah told the nurse what he'd done and she told him off! and a picnic in the park.

"The day was very hot," said Jacob Reyes.  "I felt like I never walked so far," said Daniel Mattar.  "I enjoyed playing in the park," said Tayma Aubed.  "It was a really nice place to eat lunch," said Omar Khalifa.  Talia Sahin enjoyed marking her plan.  Ami Coppard thought it was a really good way to learn about geography.  Huzaif liked the scenery while he was walking.  "It was fun and boring at the same time," added Kush Juyal (!).  "It was a breezy day," said Valerio Dussizza, adding that Kush didn't need to add boring as it wasn't!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed playing BBC shapes game.It was really fun


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