Sunday, May 1, 2011

We're back for the summer term!

What a fantastic response to our Greece blog!  Grannies, aunts, uncles,cousins and friends from all round the world were following the progress of our children in Year 6 as well as Year 5 as they experienced their Greek adventure.

We're back for the new summer term now, and it's back to business as usual for our blog, documenting the activities and goings on in Year 5 as the term progresses.  To all our new found followers - don't leave us!  It's been great having you follow our progress and just because we're back in school now doesn't mean things get any less exciting. 

At the moment in our Literacy lessons, we're looking at persuasive language and letter writing, in particular letters of complaint.  This BBC Bitesize activity is a good way to see how good you can be at complaining!

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