Saturday, March 9, 2013

Desalinating Salty Seawater

As part of our topic “Water in Saudi Arabia”, Year 5’s had the privilege of having Mr and Mrs Dickens explain and demonstrate the desalination process. They had an enjoyable lesson in the science lab, watching how the Bunsen burner heated up and evaporated salty water, while the Liebig Condenser, cooled and condensed the water vapour to produce pure, drinkable water.

Many children enjoyed the session so much that they have expressed an interest in studying science when they get to secondary. Mr Dickens has expressed his disappointment at having to wait almost two years to expect these budding scientists in his class.

Photos from 5B's visit to follow.


  1. this was really fun but i bet the aramco one will be better!

  2. Omg the Armco one is one Tuesday! I cant wait!!!!

  3. of course it will
    my dad works in aramco


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