Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh dear!

Well it looks like Mr Suter
is struggling, but from what we've seen you're doing a much better job than he is so keep it up!

'Twas a fine night to dine by candle-light' quoth he,

We had a lot of parents asking what 'quoth' means! This is a fancy word poets can use for 'said' - in the past tense. Do you know what it means to 'quote' someone? Well quethe is pretty much like an old fashioned word for quote, and quoth is the past form of quethe. Confused? We are!!! To find our more click here.

Well done for all the hard work on maths this week. Some really neat work has been coming in - let's make sure we're doing our best work please kids! If you would like to do more practise on your rounding skills, click here for a fun game.

Well that's all for today. Next weeks readers and schedule are available online now for all those keen beans out there! Have a great weekend and we'll see you (well the adults at least) on Saturday at 10:30am for those who can attend.


  1. amazing u cant find out hw much is 1+1 it s not 20 it s 10 ,anyway ijust feel that i have to contact you as i think the homework is too much for kids ,we have alot of materials that i think it will take along time to make and they are not so important at least now to spend time doing them ,like P.E for example i think we should focus on most important materials like math ,english ,science ,history and dont waste our time and their time to write too much reports or give us more time to submit these piles of reports .regards..

  2. Thank you for your comment, we do appreciate your feedback.

    Please be aware that the amount of work we are setting does not tally with the children's usual homework load. The work we are giving is a reflection of what would typically be covered in a school day.

    The specialist subject assignments are all 3 weeks in length and are not due in weekly. If your child is having difficulty completing any aspect of their speciality subjects then the teacher responsible can be contacted directly through the school website link.

  3. i can not believe it i know i should have posted this but i just like to write comments dear Mr.Suter i hope u remember me i am Tala 1+1=2

  4. I like going to school because at home there is only work.
    At school there is breaks and P.E.
    I'd rather be at school to see my friends,but at home I at least get to watch TV.
    But still i'd rather go to school than stay home for school.
    ALEX Y5S


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